Weather in Cuba

Cuba is fortunate to have a subtropical climate meaning that you can some during any time of year and appreciate the country. In saying this, temperatures can vary significantly depending on where on the island you are on the island. Although Cuba is situated firmly in the tropics, it experiences a Northern Hemisphere weather pattern with cooler (and drier) winters (December through April) and hotter (and wetter) summers (July is when it is at its hottest). When looking at the weather in Cuba, High season is between the months of November and April. This is when hotel prices are increased due to more stable weather patterns and comfortable temperatures. It is impossible to predict with certainty what the weather in Cuba will be like when you travel there. Sometimes there can be parts of the rainy season which remain relatively dry and there can be considerable rain fall in some parts of the ‘dry season’ as well. The entire Caribbean basin is affected by an annual hurricane season (June-Nov), with September and October having the highest likelihood of a Hurricane developing. Please note that it is very unlikely a Hurricane will affect your travel plans in Cuba. Generally you are given lots of warning (days rather than hours) that a Hurricane might be approaching and there is plenty of time to make modifications to your itinerary or change your travel plans. We always recommend purchasing comprehensive travel insurance when booking a tour, so you are covered for things like severe weather events, illness to yourself or a family member and trip cancellation.

Below outlines the impact Hurricanes have had in Cuba, over the past 9 years:

2017 – Hurricane Irma: northern coast of Cuba (September)

2016 – Hurricane Matthew: only effected Baracoa in the far east (October)

2015 – Nothing

2014 – Nothing

2013 – Nothing 

2012 – Hurricane Sandy: Only effected the Eastern part of Cuba (October)

2011 – Nothing

2010 – Nothing

2009 – Nothing

In summary, the weather in Cuba, is similar to other places in the Caribbean. The water is always warm, and you will find hot and sunny weather all year round. 

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